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作者:Meghan Bogardus Cortez

编译自:81 Percent of Higher Ed IT Leaders Will Spend More on Cloud Next Year: Here’s Why





调查表示,大多数高校使用的是云邮箱服务,这点也得到了杜肯大学安全和专项计划主任Tom Dugas 的肯定。此外,Dugas指出,不少学校都在使用G Suite、 Office 365等协同办公系统,由此进行“云试验”。




技术产品服务公司CDW的数据中心工程师Dave Convery认为,服务器虚拟化将是未来的一个长期趋势。虚拟化可以帮助完成一些标准化的任务,比如数据中心服务、文件处理、应用服务等。


81 Percent of Higher Ed IT Leaders Will Spend More on Cloud Next Year: Here’s Why

A new survey estimates that even more universities will turn to the cloud in the future.

by Meghan Bogardus Cortez

Meghan is an associate editor with EdTech: Focus on Higher Education. She enjoys following all the ways technology is constantly changing our world.

With the cloud, collaboration can happen anywhere, data centers can shrink exponentially, and storage is nearly limitless. And institutions of higher education are catching on to this.

According to “Destination Cloud: The Federal and SLED Cloud Journey,” a MeriTalk survey of IT professionals who work in government or higher education, 39 percent of applications at colleges today are cloud-based, but by 2021 that number could rise to 62 percent.

The survey also found that higher ed institutions are more likely than government agencies tointegrate cloud into their IT strategies, and 81 percent of university respondents said they expect to increase their cloud spending in 2017.

But what exactly are universities using the cloud for?

Higher Ed Adopts Cloud for Email, Collaboration Suites

Both the survey and Tom Dugas, director of security and special initiatives at Duquesne University, agree that most in higher ed are using the cloud for email services.

Dugas also points to collaboration suites like G Suite and Office 365 as areas where a lot of universities are doing some “cloud experimentation.”

“A lot of people have paved the path ahead of them, so it’s an easy win for folks,” says Dugas, who also serves as co-chair of EDUCAUSE’s cloud working group.

MeriTalk found that in higher ed, the applications of cloud services are most likely to be in email, web hosting, collaboration and business apps.

To a lesser degree, the survey found that some institutions are using the cloud for back-up services.

The Potential for Growth in Cloud Services

“The biggest area that universities could use the cloud for is in infrastructure or platform as a service, but some aren’t there yet,” says Dugas.

In terms of moving a data center into the cloud, Dugas says some universities have really jumped in (the University of Notre Dame is one example), but for the most part many are unsure how to accomplish this task — or if they have the resources to do it.

Dave Convery, a principal data center architect with CDW, told EdTech that server virtualization is a trend that is here to stay.

“Virtualization helps with standard workloads, when a user says, ‘I need a database server. I need a file server. I need an applications server,’ ” Convery told EdTech. “For the most part, virtualization helps with that because it allows the main IT department to provide a catalog of services to the customers.”

Though Dugas believes more universities are asking the right questions, he thinks those in higher ed need to be more aware of the particular benefits of the cloud that will work for them.

“In higher ed, our services are cyclical; we get a lot demand early in the year when we start classes, but during the summer most of our universities are slow,” says Dugas. “With the elasticity and scalability of cloud, we can scale up or down depending on the time of the year.”


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